NurseryInfant (0 to 24 months) & Toddler (2 to 4 years) nurseries are available during Sunday morning services. During our Wednesday and Sunday evenings we are happy to offer a combined nursery. We want every child to feel welcome, important, loved, and to know Jesus loves them.
Want to Volunteer? Let us know! S U N D A Y - 10 AM & 6PM |
Gather your kids, get excited, and lets go on an adventure with KidMin pastors John & Cindi Chapman! With weekly children's bible sessions, various field trips throughout the year, and a KidMin ministry that fits all of your child's needs, it's time to get your child connected!
Ember Kids: 4 - 6 years Ignite Kids: K - 5th
S U N D A Y - after AM worship
W E D N E S D A Y - American Heritage Girls & Trail Life
Ember Kids: 4 - 6 years Ignite Kids: K - 5th
S U N D A Y - after AM worship
W E D N E S D A Y - American Heritage Girls & Trail Life
Ablaze Youth
Lead by a group of leaders that have a heart for the young & a passion for God, Ablaze youth ministries gives your child a safe, inviting, & family style atmosphere. With a meal every time Ablaze meets, trips/events & camps throughout the year, and purposeful conversation, it's time to get your youth connected! "A group of youth longing to see the glory of God manifested on the earth."
A G E S: 12 - 18 YEARS
S U N D A Y - 6PM
W E D N E S D A Y - American Heritage Girls & Trail Life
A G E S: 12 - 18 YEARS
S U N D A Y - 6PM
W E D N E S D A Y - American Heritage Girls & Trail Life
Home GroupsLooking to continue your growth beyond Sunday morning and start meeting people? Well, look no further there is a home group near you! From Lafayette to Rossville and beyond, contact us today to learn more about a home group near you!
Connecting Women
Standing side by side as we continue to seek Him, put on the armor of God, and face our battles together. Through building weekly connections, regional encounters, LOTS of coffee, and an understanding smile, Connecting Women invite you to join this growing family!
Men's GroupA personalized men's group that ministers to current needs & life situations that our men are walking through. With various relationship building activities & exciting outings available, get connected with this awesome group of men!